Testimonials Showcase for WordPress — Excited!

in Other / Plugins

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Testimonials Showcase is​ a premium multi-use WordPress plugin with the ​main purpose of building awesome testimonials showcase on your website or blog. The plugin is packed with flexible testimonial builder, rating submission form, various design layouts and absolute freedom on styling. It’s possible to craft almost any design you can imagine. And use cases are not limited just for testimonials showcase. Get excited!

The plugin works great out of the box and very easy to use. You may expect to find all the must feature​ like absolute responsiveness, Visual Composer integration, rich snippets for search engines, shortcode support and more!

+ Beautiful layouts and templates. Classic grid, grid with tooltips, single testimonial with or without slider, widgets.
+ Absolute freedom on design customization: colors, font settings, spacings, an ​arrangement of elements etc.
+ Submission form with approval system. Place anywhere with its​ own shortcode.
+ Rich snippets compatible.
+ Powerful drag and drop admin builder.
+ Display average rating with submit review button.
+ Visual Composer support.
+ 1-5, 1-10, 1-100 or icon rating systems.
+ Change star icon with any from SVG​ icon library or use your own.
+ Fully responsive.
+ Profile sliding panels with 5 themes and WordPress native visual/HTML​ editor.
+ Predefined style presets for each layout.
+ Testimonials filtering by your categories.
+ Multi-use plugin: testimonials, team, logos etc.
+ Fancy mouse over and revealing effects.
+ Store testimonials for unlimited use.
+ Opt-in for Mailchimp list.
+ Sort by date, random or custom order.
+ Slider autoplay with time interval.
+ Easy to use shortcodes: group, summary, form, group + summary.
+ Social icon bar: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Dribbble, Flickr, Github.
+ Contacts information: email, phone, Skype, source.
+ Unlimited testimonials, authors and categories.
+ Cozy and intuitive admin UIX.
+ WPML Ready.

+ Use as a ​separate shortcode or include in testimonials group showcase.
+ Rich snippets compatible.
+ Score background changes its color from green to red depending on the average rating.
+ Choose your scale: 1-5, 1-10, 1-100 or star icons.
+ Optionally display upscale (‘out of N’ sign).
+ Optionally allow to submit review. Form will appear in awesome sliding panel.
+ Add brand/company info block with image or display average score only.
+ 100% Responsive. Summary block fits any container. It’s great to use in WordPress sidebar as a widget.

+ New! Mailchimp opt-in.
+ New! Add form trigger for any element on your website.
+ New! Redirect to your page after form submission.
+ New! Custom form opening trigger that you can add to any element on your website (link, button, image etc.).
+ Set visible and required fields.
+ Optional captcha.
+ Two form layouts: 1 or 2 columns.
+ Approve submitted reviews from your pending queue on plugin’s admin page.

Consider Excited! as the most beautiful testimonials showcase WordPress plugin with new era admin panel. The last thing is a huge time saver and inspires you to build something new and unique. Play with settings, turn On/Off or re-arrange different blocks, style it and place shortcode on your page. That’s it!
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, JS, PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://testimonial.looks-awesome.com/demo/grid/
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 4.9