Candlestick Charts

in Other / Plugins

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Candlestick Charts is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create highly customizable candlestick charts on your WordPress posts, pages, and custom post types.

Four Data Sources

Easily generate candlestick charts from four different data sources. Copy the data from a spreadsheet, associate the chart with data provided in the JSON format, connect the chart with a CSV source, or automatically retrieve the data from the API provided by the IEX Cloud financial data platform.

98 Customization options

This plugin provides you 98 customization options per chart, so you can create precisely the candlestick chart you need. Change the colors, the fonts, enable advanced features like the tooltips, the grids, the volume, the live updates of the chart, and more.

Hi-Res Vector Graphics

To plot the candlestick charts, we used the modern ApexCharts JavaScript Library, and all the generated charts make use of dynamically generated vector graphics in the SVG format. The charts are always displayed in the highest possible resolution of the device.

Gutenberg Ready

This plugin supports the new Gutenberg editor, and you can add the candlestick charts in your posts by using the specific block included in this plugin. Backward compatibility with shortcodes is also guaranteed.

Exportable Data

The import and export feature available in Candlestick Charts allows you to archive your data as XML files, so you can backup your data, move your data between different websites, move the data to other applications, and more.

Multisite Ready

Feel free to install this plugin in a single WordPress installation or in a WordPress multisite environment. Single activations, network activations, or activations on single sub-sites of the network are supported.

Multilanguage Ready

The Candlestick Charts plugin comes by default in English and Italian. If you want to translate the plugin in another language, simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.

Additional Information

- WordPress 5.0 and later versions are supported
- PHP 5.6 and later versions are supported
- Programmed with OOP techniques
- Commented code
- Includes a complete manual with related video tutorials


This plugin makes use of the following resources:

- Chosen licensed under the MIT License
- Handsontable licensed under the MIT License
- ApexCharts licensed under the MIT License

Links to the resources and related licenses are available in the plugin manual.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, HTML, JS, PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.1