Silver – 28 Real B&W Film Emulations

in Add-ons / Actions and presets

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Simulate the look of 28 B+W films from Agfa™, Foma™, Ilford™, Kodak™, Konica™, Polaroid™, and Rollei™. This action set also includes 15 contrast effects and 8 seamless film grains.

28 Realistic Film Emulation

All B&W effects are professionally calibrated to mimic traditional films. You can complete the B&W look with the 8 free film grain textures; they’re seamless and created from real film scans. The amount of grain varies throughout your photo depending on the exposure – just like real film.

15 Contrast Effects

You also get access to 15 contrast effects. In particular, the HC Midtone actions increases contrast without clipping shadows/highlights and the LC Curvy simulates the popular low-contrast film look many photographers use.

Snapshot Prerendering:

Play one action and all the effects will be generated for you! Using Photoshop’s snapshots feature, you can switch between the effects instantly without running another action.

Lightning Fast:

By minimizing the layers, these actions run FAST. There’s no merging layers, raster adjustments, filters, etc.

Professional Results:

cause these actions use only adjustment/fill layers, they give you the maximum image quality and consistent results with every photo. Modify any layer you like – every layer is fully editable, nondestructive, and organized into groups.

Film Emulations

* Agfa APX
* Agfa Isopan Record
* Agfa Scala
* Fuji Neopan
* Fuji Neopan Acros
* Ilford Delta
* Ilford Delta Acros
* Ilford HP5
* Ilford HP5 Plus
* Ilford SFX
* Ilford XP2 Super
* Ilford PAN F Plus
* Kodak HIE
* Kodak T-MAX
* K odak T-MAX P3200
* Kodak Technical Pan
* Kodak TRI-X
* Konica Infrared 750nm
* Polaroid 664
* Polaroid 667
* Polaroid 672
* Rollei IR
* Rollei Ortho
* Rollei Retro 100 Tonal
* Rollei Retro 80s

Color Filters

* Blue
* Green
* Orange
* Red
* Yellow

Contrast Effects

* Low Contrast (0, +1, +2)
* Low Contrast Flat (0, +1, +2)
* Low Contrast Curvy (0, +1, +2)
* High Contrast (0, +1, +2)
* High Contrast Midtones (0, +1, +2)

Film Grain Textures

* Fuji Neopan Acros 100
* Kodak TRI-X 320
* Agfa Scala 200
* Kodak T-MAX 400
* Ilford HP5 Plus 400
* Foma FOMAPAN 400
* Ilford Delta 3200 Pro
* Kodak T-MAX P3200
addOnsFileTypes: ATN, PAT
addOnsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
hasDocumentation: 1