Premium Double Exposure Photoshop Action

in Add-ons / Actions and presets

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Awesome backgrounds here:

Tested and optimized for use on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC


1. Open the action (for that go to: Window / Actions, click on menu icon at the right and choose in list “Load Actions…” then find the action on your computer and open it;

2. Open your background image, Your background image must necessarily be called “Background”

3. Place your second image, it’s desirable “png” file without background (for that go to: File / Place and choose the image what you need);

4. Find action in the action list and open it and click play (before you click play button make sure than the second photo are selected (NOT A BACKGROUND LAYER));

6. Wait a few seconds that Photoshop make all actions (speed of action work depends of the power of your computer);

7. Then change the colors and contrast if you need (you can use included gradients);

8. Ready! just save.

- all separated and grouped elements
- easy to use
- amazing results with your photos

_Photos used in preview are included._

Please don’t forget to rate if you like it!

Stay In Touch:

Have a look to all the other presets in my shop:


- All of my presets have been tested on a variety of images and they are very versatile. As a photographer & editor myself with over 10 year of experience I use these tools to speed up the workflow.

- In most cases my presets are one-click but presets work differently on every image you will need to adjust the white balance & exposure.
addOnsFileTypes: ATN, PNG
addOnsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
hasDocumentation: 1