Quick Logo Sting Pack 09: Blur, Light & Bokeh

in Other / Logo Stings

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Sometimes a long Logo Reveal can annoy your viewers, especially if you want to use it often. So a Collection of 14 short, but professional Logo Stings is what I present you here. Use it as quick Intro/Outro, or eye-candy between scenes. Perfect for users who want to showcase their logo as often as they can, without getting their viewers angry.

The 14 projects are all well structured and easy to customize. All basic customization options like colors and reflections are easily accessable within ONE layer.

- 14 unique Animations
- elegant, impressive Style
- CS5 and above
- no Plugins required (Trapcode Particular & Optical Flares is prerendered. Plugin-versions are included as a bonus. 2 short Stock footage clips of BigBokeh Overlays are used in the Fast Bokeh Hit animation)
- easy customization with Control Layer
- Videotutorial included
- Expression Universalizer was used to support various After Effects languages

Sound is not included, but available at Audiojungle. Links are included in the zip.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required