Instaberg - Instagram Feed Gallery

in WordPress themes and plugins / WordPress plugins

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Instaberg is the newest Instagram feed plugin for WordPress that allows you to display posts/videos from your own Instagram account / public posts into any page/post by using WordPress blocks!

The plugin lets you combine and stream posts/videos from Instagram accounts, hashtags, IGTV videos & individual posts/videos.

And the great thing is that you can mix any Instagram feeds on the same page/post.

Display photos/videos by username or by hashtag in a simple and eye-catching block.

It’s a responsive, flexible and user-friendly tool with the most needed features.

Showcase posts/videos as a grid, masonry, small list, creative layouts, metro & playlists!

Instagram accounts, hashtags, IGTV videos & individual posts/videos

9 different layout types to choose from - grid, masonry, small list, creative layouts, metro & playlists

Gallery type - choose to display images/videos or both



Advanced Features:

* Supports Instagram user feeds, any user timeline, hashtag, and IGTV videos.
* Add feeds to any page/post using WordPress blocks
* 9 different layout types to choose from.
* Gallery type - choose to display images/videos or both
* Options to choose the number of rows and columns for the grid layout.
* Display load more button or not
* Options to change primary color/text color
* Options to change font family/font size
* Playlist layout - options to show playlist, autoplay video and show fullscreen button - setup custom player height also
* Translation ready
* Cross-browser compatibility.
* For each layout dynamic configurations available.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, HTML, JS, PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.1