Bronze & Copper

in Other / Decorative

384 6 0
Bronze & Copper is a sophisticated typeface that have a special ligature feature. You can use it for multiple purpose: blog, logo, social media, branding, poster, quotes, wedding cards & so forth, you decide!

Bronze & Copper comes with 200+ glyphs that includes: 100+ ligatures, normal alphabet, number & punctuation, international language & PUA code.

What's so special?

The best from Bronze & Copper is the ligature feature. With this, you will avoid the repetition letter between words, this way everything you write will look more natural and doesn't seem like you use font.

No idea how to access PUA?

Don't worry, a help file is included on how to access & use it on your artwork.


Bronze & Copper Features:

- Bronze & Copper : OTF & TTF

- Web Font: WOFF

- 122 Ligature Combos

- Complete Punctuation

- International Language Character

- 18 PUA Glyphs + Help File

- Natural Pen Stroke

- Hand Drawn Font

Included Ligatures:

aa ad ae au al at ay and bb be bl cc ce ch ci ck cl ct cy dd ee ea ed ei el en er es et ex est
ff ft gg hh ii id ie ii il in ir is ion jj kk ll lk ly mm me mai man nn ng nl nn
oo ob of ol on op ou out pp qq rr re ss sa sh si sk so st son sion tt ta th tl ted ten the
uu ul tu vv ww xx yy yl zz

International Language (only small caps available):

à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü ý ÿ ß þ ð


- This Is A Font Pack

- Image Previews/Mockups Are Not INCLUDED
spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Any Size
serifSansSerif: Sans-Serif
isWebfont: 1