Jenna Jenkins

in Other / Decorative

407 4 0
Jenna Jenkins is a rustic font, that is created to look like your original handwriting style.

With its pen-style look, Jenna Jenkins is best for your signature for design work, greeting card title, badge and sticker, logo and return address, web design & text, some cover design and so forth, you decide!

Jenna Jenkins comes with accented glyphs for international language and also a unique ligature feature (that’s different from the main glyphs), allows you to create different look to your design.

Jenna Jenkins Features:

- Jenna Jenkins : OTF & TTF

- Web Font: WOFF

- Natural Handwriting Stroke

- Unique Ligature Style

- Hand Drawn Font

- Accented Glyphs
spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Any Size
serifSansSerif: Sans-Serif
isWebfont: 1