YouTube End Screens Builder

in Other / Broadcast Packages

237 4 0
Hi there. As you maybe know on YouTube at the end of the video you can put links on other your videos or on your channel. At default you can choose one of the templates that YouTube's template. It means that you need choose the same template on YouTube. You do not need scale and transform any of extra setting on YouTube. But of course you can customize my designes as you want.

- Easy customization.
- 3840 × 2160; 30fps
- After Effects CS5 and above.
- Step by step tutorial is included.
- No plug-ins required. However i used “trapcode particlular” and “optical flares” in some styles, so version with this plugins are included.
- Links on fonts that i used you can find in help PDF file, which is included.
- Music here:

Important notes:

- Social network icons are not included in this template. Write me if you want, i will help you to find such icons.
- Video that you see in the preview is included in this template, but only in Full HD.
- Do not forget that first you need render your final video with setted up end Screen, and only then upload it on YouTube, because as I know you cannot change your video that already published.
videoResolution: 3840, 4K (UHD), 2160
videoLength: 20
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required