WP Post Modules for News & Magazine

in Other / Plugins

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WP Post Modules is a WordPress plugin for creating post snippets or modules in different display styles. The plugin is best suited for creating online magazine content, newspaper blocks, creative portfolio showcase and regular blog feeds.

WP Post Modules is shipped as WPBakery Page Builder addon. The plugin lets you create WordPress post modules with drag and drop interface and easy to configure parameters. With multiple module types and display options, you have almost endless possibilities for creating creative Home pages for your online Magazine, Newspaper and blog.

Full feature list

* 100% responsive design, optimized for retina display
* 20 Pre built Home page layouts (shipped as Visual Composer templates)
* Supports languages with right-to-left orientation (RTL)
* 8 Display styles

* 4 sub styles
* Upto 6 columns grid supported
* Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px

* Upto 6 columns grid supported
* Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px
* Material Design Style appearance

* Custom split ratio for thumbnail + content
* Create any sized list from small to large thumbnails
* Circular images for list thumbnails
* Content can be separated as full border, half border or no border
* Responsive media query option for list style module
* Restrict image width in px at certain breakpoint
- Change image vs content ratio at certain breakpoint
- Hide list image at certain breakpoint

* Upto 6 columns grid supported
* Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px
* Overlay Content position as top-let or bottom-left
* Custom overlay content padding
* Overlay background as black scrim, transparent or auto detected color from image
* Show overlay as always, on-hover or never
* Image zoom and rotate effect on hover

* 4 sub styles
* Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px
* Tile viewport width for auto calculation of image dimensions
* Auto resize and cropping for proper formation of tiles
* Custom aspect ratio for tile images
* Overlay features same as portfolio

* Custom ticker title length
* Custom ticker animation duration
* Custom ticker label text
* Custom ticker label background and foreground with color picker

_Bullet List_
* Simple text post list with bullets

_Title Teaser_
* Show category link and title in small teaser format
* Slider format supported
* Repeated advertisements supported

_Custom Styling per post module_
* Select Google Fonts for post heading and text contents separately
* Choose colors for heading, post categories and excerpt via color picker
* Custom Google fonts for section titles
* Custom gutter width (user defined) for grid, list, tile, etc.
* Custom font sizes and line height in any unit

_WP Query builder_
* Query posts from categories, tags, custom post types, taxonomies, post IDs, author IDs, etc.
* Offset and post exclusion to prevent redundancy of posts
* Order and Orderby parameters * Filter posts from current single post tag or categories
* Hide current post from module when on single post
* Order by meta key and value
* Date query: Filter posts from year, month, date, week, date before or date after
* Query posts from search keyword

_Advertisement Repeater_
* Add unlimited advertisements to be inserted between posts
* Specify ad offset to insert ads between xx number of posts
* Supported in grid, list, card, portfolio and title teaser display style

_jQuery Owl Slider_
* Supported for Grid, List and Portfolio display styles and their sub styles
* Change number of slides per view
* Toggle animation loop
* Toggle auto play
* Set autoplay timeout
* Set animation speed and animation types (slide, zoom and fade)
* Toggle auto height
* Toggle previous/next navigation
* Toggle dots navigation
* Custom slide margin for desktop and mobile

_Image resize on-the-fly using BFI Thumb_
* Custom width, height and hard crop feature
* Set image quality from 1 to 100 (Optimization feature)
* Auto convert imagest to grayscale
* Auto colorize image from color picker
* Native WordPress Post Thumbnail support with source set attribute
* Video embed support with auto detection of video from content
* Post counts for each post module
* WordPress Post Thumbnail caption support
* Social Sharing buttons per post module
- Buttons include Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Pinterest, VKOntakte, Reddit, Email
- Open Graph Tags and Twitter Card meta tags for Single posts
- Social tags can be disabled using filter
* Auto detect overlay background colors from image background

_Text content options_
* Choose heading tag from h1 to h6 and p (SEO factor)
* Choose main title font size and font weight
* Set paragraph tag and font size
* Auto trimming of post excerpt at desired word length
* Toggle readmore link with custom readmore text
* Show/hide post meta items like category, author, date, excerpt and comments
* Auto conversion of category links into expandable dropdown if category links are too many
* Show author avatar in post meta
* Built in style and function support for WP Review and Post Views Counter plugin
* Option to choose source text from excerpt, content, meta box or custom field
* Option for allowed HTML tags when text is trimmed from content
* Allows scope for retaining basic tags like em, strong, a etc.
* Show post excerpt from a custom field or meta box array key name

_Other Features_
* Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields Plugin
* Excerpt content can be shown from custom fields generated by ACF
* Supports content formatting of textarea fields in ACF
* Valid Schema microdata on generated post content
- Schema properties can be changed from element settings
* AJAX Tabs with full support for WP Post Module element as content
* AJAX Navigation feature for grid, list, portfolio display styles
* AJAX Loadmore feature for grid, list, portfolio display styles
* Custom title element with multiple display styles
* W3C valid HTML markup for plugin generated data
* Compatible on all major browsers including IE 9 or above
* Translation ready with POT and PO/MO files included
* Step by step documentation manual for plugin installation and usage

Disclaimer: _This item contains assets in the download files that are sourced from a third party and different license terms apply to those assets. These will be identified in the downloaded files with a copy of the other license which will apply to those assets._
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, JS, PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://labs.saurabh-sharma.net/plugins/wppm/
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 4.9