Words Fusion Logo Reveal

in Other / Logo Stings

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Short description

Words Fusion Logo Reveal features fast moving text planes which assemble your logo alongside light rays. This modern, dynamic, abstract looking project is extremely easy to customize and it comes with a video tutorial if you need some help. Drop in your logo, type in your text and tagline and hit Render. No plugins required. This is great opener for trailer promos, video productions, presentations, product showcases, portfolios and more. Control everything from one place – Control layer is included.

Main features

- After Effects CS6 or above
- FullHD 1920x1080, HD 1280x720
- 100% After Effects - No 3rd party plugins needed
- Control everything from one place - Control layer included
- After Effects in any language is supported - Universalized Expressions
- Works with any LOGO or TEXT, effects are applied automatically!
- Organized and color coded
- Video tutorial included

Additional information

Custom made music can be purchased on Audiojungle, search for Fashion Logo made by Boxbeats
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 15
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required