Wonted - Book & Author React Template

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Are you a book author and you want your books to be seen by millions? Or do you want to make an Author portfolio website for you? Then Wonted (Book & Author React Template) will be your right choice. It’s a single-page template for a book and book authors which was made with all trendy technologies such as React, React-Router-Dom, React-Bootstrap, SASS, etc. The template is fully responsive for all devices, unique design, and clean codes, and has a minimal and modern look.

The template is specially built to showcase and sell your books or eBooks and make a portfolio site for book authors but if you wish you can also showcase your audiobook, podcasts, videos, and portfolios website for any other field.

It has 6 different Home pages with 40+ components and each component can be used with an alternate background like white and other colors used in the template.


+ 3 landing pages layout and 3 portfolio pages layout
+ Blog, events, and its single pages include
+ Working contact form with validation
+ Mailchimp subscription forms
+ Dynamic data from JSON file
+ React.js, SASS, React Router Dom.
+ Used the latest React Boostrap
+ React scroll
+ Google web fonts used
+ React icons & icofont svg
+ Responsive for all devices
+ SEO-friendly codes
+ Easy to Customize
+ Well Documented
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, SASS, JS
retinaReady: 1
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
demoUrl: Https://wonted-react.vercel.app/