WatchApp - Smart Watch App Promo Muse Template

in Other / Muse

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About template

WatchApp is a responsive one page Adobe Muse template for promotion your Smart Watch App on the web. You can easy create your own website without writing code! Add your app logo, info, press release, video trailer, screenshots, testimonials. Set price plans and show all app features! You can change colors in few clicks, texts or replace the images and use over 400 free webfonts! This template included desktop, tablet and mobile versions!

+ One page template
+ Fully responsive (with breakpoints & versions for desktop, tablet and mobile)
+ 2 header versions included
+ Creative navigation and sliders
+ Parallax and scroll motion effects
+ Over 400 free web fonts for customization
+ Slideshow backgrounds
+ Contact and subscribe forms
+ Very easy to edit

Photos used in the preview are not included, they are for example purpose only!
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
demoUrl: Http://