Vuma - Mobile Template

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Vuma is a Mobile Template, which allows you to more easily use this template. Equipped with many additional features and additional pages to support your work. This template is easy to edit, brings clean design, modern design, and many other features.


* Easy Edit
* Modern Design
* Clean Design
* Clean Code
* eCommerce
* Blog
* Google Font
* Font Awesome
* Valid HTML5
* Valid CSS3
* Well Documentation
* Free Support
* And much more...


* Home
* Accordion
* Badges
* Button
* Cards
* Cards Expandable
* Chips / Tags
* Contact List
* Form Element
* Grid / Layout System
* Lazy Load
* List View
* Menu
* Popover
* Preloader
* Searchbar
* Searchbar Expandable
* Smart Select
* Sortable
* Subnavbar
* Swipeout
* Swiper Slider
* Tabs
* Toggle
* Toolbar and Tabbar
* Tooltip
* About Me
* About Us
* Contact Us
* Coming Soon
* Embeds
* Faq
* Features
* Forum
* Forum Single
* Gallery
* Maintenance
* Portfolio
* Pricing Table
* Profile
* Reservation
* Reset Password
* Searchbar
* Services
* Settings
* Sign In
* Sign Up
* Skill
* Team
* Testimonial
* Home Shop
* Product
* Product Details
* Cart
* Checkout
* Categories
* Order History
* Tracking Order
* Wishlist
* Account Buyer
* Account Seller
* Home Blog
* Home Blog List
* Blog Grid
* Blog List
* Blog Single
* Blog Single Gallery
* Blog Single Video
* and many more


* Font Google
* Framework7
* Font Awesome
* Pexels
* Pngimg

*Image preview used not included in main file