Urban - Animated Typeface

in Other / Titles

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Urban is an animated Typeface that fits to many styles and is easy to work with.
Working with the typeface is as easy as it gets: You just need to write your desired text in a textbox and the Motion Graphics Template does the rest for you.

The examples shown in preview, the music and background footage are not included.

Make sure to also check out my other animated Typefaces for Premiere Pro.

Included in this project are:
* Urban Animated Typeface MOGRT - write your Text and it gets written on your screen. Supports 4K resolution

Supported are these characters:
* Letters A-Z (Uppercase only)
* Digits 0-9
* Punctuation and Special Characters: ’, -, !, ”, #, $, &, ,, ., :, ;, ?

This Project makes use of the free font "Metropolis".
The wood planks texture shown in preview is created by AGF81 and published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
videoResolution: 3840, 4K (UHD), 2160
videoLength: 60
applicationsSupported: Premiere Pro
requiredPlugins: None required