Upvex - Admin & Dashboard Template

in Web Templates / Admin templates

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Upvex is a modern, clean and responsive admin & dashboard template built using bootstrap v4. Upvex provides a large collection of ready to use ui elements, widgets, etc and works seamlessly with all major web browsers and devices including tablets and phones. The Sass files are also bundled into it and allows you to have unlimited color and style related customization possibilities easily.


+ Fully Responsive Design
+ Created using Bootstrap v4.3.1
+ Clean and intuitive design
+ Fully Documented
+ Gulp workflow
+ Light & Dark Layouts
+ Rich form,widgets,validation and wizard
+ 82+ Pages
+ 500+ UI Components
+ Unlimited Layouts option
+ SASS Support
+ RTL & LTR Support
+ Error pages included
+ Stylish pricing page
+ 3000+ Font Icons
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1