Uphead | Industrial Font

in Other / Sans-Serif

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UPHEAD is an upper and lowercase sans serif industrial style font. This font is inspired by the street signs of Eastern Europe and has a nice balance of hard lines and smooth curves, but still maintaining a strong appearance with modern touches.
UPHEAD includes two styles, Uphead Regular and Updead Condensed, for both styles extensive Latin script language support, characters set A-Z , numerals and punctuation. Uphead is the perfect font for industrial logo designs, headers, small and block text.

Product content:
- UPHEAD Regular
- UPHEAD Condensed

- OTF file format
- Long term support
- Free features for the next updates
- Extensive Latin script language support
- Upper and lowercase font

I am looking forward to see what you make using UPHEAD, feel free to tag me on Instagram @headfonts!

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- Instagram: instagram.com/headfonts
- Facebook: facebook.com/headfonts
- Dribbble: dribbble.com/headfonts
- Behance: behance.net/mihisdesign
spacing: Condensed
optimumSize: Any Size
serifSansSerif: Sans-Serif