Twelve — Original & Creative Responsive Template

in Web Templates / Landing page templates

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Few words About “Twelve”
“Twelve” is a fully responsive multipurpose template built on Bootstrap 3 Framework, that can be used by a creative agency or as a personal portfolio for a freelancer. It was programmed using the latest HTML and uses the latest CSS to achieve a stunning effect. We tried to make it as simple as possible, but keep it modern, user friendly and pleasurable to work with. Template owes unique features and is fully customizable. Just pick it up and make it yours.
+ Clean, Intuitive and Fully Responsive Design
+ Based on Bootstrap 3 framework
+ Developer Friendly Code
+ HTML5 & CSS3
+ Retina ready
+ Browser Compatibility
+ Light & Dark colour schemes
+ One-page & Multi-page (for CMS) versions
+ Powerful Customization
+ Additional Page Elements
+ Language Switch Bar
+ Multilevel Menu
+ Custom Backgrounds
+ Blur effect
+ Video Background Home Version
+ CSS3 Animation
+ Many jQuery plugins included
+ Smallicons (29$) included
+ Royal Slider (14$) included
+ Isotope plugin(Save $25)
+ Touch and Swipe Support
+ Blog Pages (developed for using in CMS)
+ Font Awesome Icons
+ Google Fonts Support
+ Google Maps Integrated
+ SEO Optimized
+ Outstanding Support Service
+ Extensive Documentation
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://