TV Broadcast News package

in Other / Broadcast Packages

234 4 0
- Project available in all colors ( change color with one slider )
- Possibly of looping project scenes
- Project includes:
- Countdown intro from 10-1
- Long broadcast news intro 16 seconds
- Breaking news intro
- Business news intro
- Special report intro
- Late news intro
- Sport news intro
- Weather news intro
- Weather forecast graphics
- Split screen graphics
- Story line graphics
- Lower third v1
- Lower third v2
- Story line studio graphics
- Sport news report graphics
- Loopabile Backgrounds for multiple purposes
- Music used in preview you can find links in help file
- Font used in presentation is: ARIAL BLACK ITALIC
- Videos in preview are not included.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required