Travel Trifold Brochure

in Graphic templates / Print templates

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This Multipurpose Trifold Brochure is very easy to use. A very well organized and renamed layer, it helps you to get the best result in editing the template!

Easy to customize with well organize file, it helps you design the template in a short time!


- 2 PSD files 11.69×8.27 inc (with bleed)
- 2 Ai files 11.69×8.27 inc (with bleed)

- Fully Layered Ai & PSD file.
- Fully Customizable and Editable.
- Artboard size A4
- CMYK @ 300 DPI – Print-ready.

- The images are not included, the download link is in the help file. (It’s free for commercial use).
- You can find the font that I'm using in the read me file. (It also free and free for commercial use).
- The Mockup is not Included.

Hopefully, you’ll find it useful.
Please, if you like it, take some time to rate it and share it

Thanks again for your support, It is greatly appreciated.

The Good Store.
orientation: Portrait
isVector: 1
isLayered: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: AI, PSD
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
dpi: 300
dimensions: 8.27, in, 11.69
colorSpace: CMYK