TransPro - Transport & Logistic Service React Js

in Web Templates / Site templates

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TransPro - Transport & Logistic Service React Js Template
TransPro is a clean and modern React Js Template suitable for any type of transport, logistics, cargo, courier, delivery, moving, shipping, storage transport, warehouse, transportation, and related website. The React Js files are fully layered and customizable and all elements are in groups and can easily identify by the group name as well.

This React Js template can be easily customized – each React Js file is carefully layered and contains an overview of the hierarchy of groups and layers for easy access. You can easily replace any picture by your own one in just a few clicks

Template Features:
*React JS
*React JS without jQuery
*100% Fluid Responsive – Fits any device perfectly
*Tested on real devices
*05 Unique Homepages
*05 Header Styles
*Flexible Layout
*Flat, modern, and clean design.
*Retina Optimized
*Clean & Commented Code
*Pixel Perfect Design
*Cross Browser Compatibility
*Awesome Unique Look
*Unique effects and functionality
*Google font
*Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
*Based on Bootstrap 5.x
*Free Premium Quality Support
*Logo Slider Integration
*Sticky Header
*Product Details Layouts/Styles
*Google Fonts
*100% Responsive
*Nice and Clean Design
*Clean and commented code
*Customizable all components of each page
*Blog Pages
*Sticky Menu
*Ajax Contact Form
*Image background
*Easy to customize
*Flexible and multi-purpose
*Google fonts
*Valid / CSS3
*Amazing 5 stars support
*24/7 Awesome support
*Detailed documentation
*And More Pages

Features Overview

React Js Framework:
React Js is the most popular react framework for developing high quality featured production which gives the hybrid static & server rendering, smart building, route pre-fetching and more. nothing need to configure.
Bootstrap Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
05+ Home Pages :
Transpro template has nice and clean home pages.

Awesome Blog Pages :
Blogging very important! We designed beautiful blog page templates and single blog styles for your news and updates..
Touch Friendly :
Easy browsing on touch devices.

Public Sans
Image Credit:

While images and illustration are not included in the download package – but if you need the images and illustration please feel free to contact with us.
This Template is not WordPress Theme, and can’t be installed in WordPress.

Once again thank you for purchasing one of our Templates
Best Regards
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
demoUrl: Https://