Transforming Boxes - Logo Reveal

in Other / Logo Stings

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Transforming Boxes - Logo Reveal is after effects cs3 project, and of course it can be opened in after effects cs4 and cs5. It’s ideal for your short, highly dynamic, intro, movie opener, logo or text reveal with transforming effect. You can use logo, image, video or text as placeholder. Customization steps are same.

Main features:
- After effects cs3 project (compatible with all newer after effects versions)
- No plugins used or required
- Optimized for any logo dimensions
- Help file included
- Sound is created by takingaction, link for AJ item: Fashion and Glamour Logo
- Project is created in full hd 1920×1080, but you can export your video with any resolution and fps you want - check help file.
- Link for free font is included in help file

Optionally you can change particles color, enable/disable white floor, and enable/disable shadow.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required