The Jacklyn Signature

in Other / Script and Handwritten

394 3 0
The Jacklyn signature style script is modern and sophisticated styling font which perfect for branding, logo, photography and signature. It is so elegant, classy, strong and beautiful.

What's Included :

+ The Jacklyn (OTF/TTF/WOFF)
+ More than 240 of glyphs
+ Ligature & Stylistic alternate
+ Include Multilingual support
+ Works on PC & Mac
+ Simple installations
+ Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word.
+ PUA Encoded Characters - Fully accessible without additional design software.

Hope you enjoy with our font!
spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Large (Display / Poster)
hasDocumentation: 1
serifSansSerif: N/A
isWebfont: 1