The Complete World Weather Forecast ToolKit

in Other / Broadcast Packages

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Weather Forecast ToolKit - Info:

* Complete World Weather Forecast Graphics. Full Package of Elements, including Flat MAP with 240 labeled Countries, Globe MAPs (Realistic/Stylised), Opener Sequence, Weather Icons (Realistic/Shapes), Forecast Tables, Titles, Transitions, Background, etc.

* Use the Toolkit to create Broadcast Graphics, Weather Intro, World Forecast Report using the Globe Maps, Numerous Forecast Tables for single Countries, Regions, or Continents, Severe Weather Promo / Alert / Breaking News. Fully editable to allow you adaption with your exiting News or Broadcast Designs. Icons Pack with 3 Versions that can be customized or Replaced with your own. Modular Design was created with multi-purpose use in mind, adaptable for web, social media, YouTube, apps, etc.

* Create different Map Designs using pre-made controls (or the Essential Graphics Panel) to edit all Map Features. The World Globe features also frameless animation, created with expression and Markers, and it also allows for Responsive Timing inside AE or Pr if Exported.

* Every Graphic Element includes Expression Controls, as well as Controls inside the Essential Graphics Panel. You can Export everything and extend your workflow inside Premiere Pro as well. The Template can be upscaled to 4K (every element was created in those dimensions) but be aware of the drawback in time during customization and rendering. Modular Forecast Tables, just as every other Element on the Pack, you can add or remove rows and columns just as simple layers. Weather Opener Sequence is offered in 3 Render formats, 4K, Square, and Vertical.

* Template comes with two projects, one that includes every Setup you see on the Promo. So if you see anything that you like in the Preview Video, you'll find it ready on the Project as well. And another Project with all the Graphical Elements only, in case you want to DIY, start from scratch, import them into your existing Projects, or export everything for Premiere Pro.

Template Features:

* Weather OPENER [4k, Square, Vertical]
* MAP Flat [Setup]
* MAP Globe [Setup]
* Weather ICONS [Shape / Lines / Realistic]
* 6 Over-Map Weather Graphics [Transparent]
* 3 Table Modules [Vertical]
* 6 Table Modules [Horizontal]
* Super Easy Drag and Drop Setup
* Add as many Graphics as you need
* 20k Map Textures (Vector option for Flat MAP)
* Easy Customization with Controls
* No Plugins Required
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required