Thallo – Consulting & Finance WordPress Theme

in WordPress themes and plugins / WordPress themes

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Thallo is a premium WordPress theme designed for business, consulting and finance. It prides itself on being incredibly easy to use and powerful through its advanced options that allow you to build a professional and stunning website without any coding knowledge.

+ 08 Home Pages and updating
+ One Click Install Demo Data
+ 27 Headers Styles
+ 07 Post Layouts
+ 06 Portfolio Layouts
+ 02 Cases (Work) Layouts
+ 03 Services Layouts
+ 02 Our Team Layouts
+ Support Career Post Type
+ Mega Menu built-in
+ Free Lifetime Updates and access to our support ticket
+ Unlimited Colors
+ Sticky Header
+ Retina Ready
+ Highly Customizable
+ Responsive
+ Boxed/Wide layout
+ Advanced Typography Options
+ Can also import individual pages from our documentation
+ See our Thallo Live Demo to view all features
+ View Documentation Online
+ Translation Ready(po/mo files)
+ Cross Browser Compatibility
+ Child Theme included to help you make the most out of it.
and so much more…

NOTE: _This item contains assets in the download files that are sourced from a third party and different license terms apply to those assets. These will be identified in the downloaded files with a copy of the other license which will apply to those assets_.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, JS, PHP, SASS
hasDocumentation: 1
compatibleWith: Bootstrap, Gutenberg, Visual Composer, WPBakery Page Builder
responsive: 1
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.1