Stylish Business Opener

in Other / Openers

215 6 0
This intro is about business and corporation. This amazing intro will communicate better with your audience because it tells a story of a business that starts from saving money in safe and growing business to collecting depts through accounting system to protect your business from manipulative people till ending the work with an amazing theme of gears and coins to show the way of successful business working methods and It will give you a funky and delightful experience with a clear message to your audience.

Item Features
- You can change the logo or text easily.
- It has a main control for changing logo positions and size.
- It has main controls for cameras in all scenes.
- It could be used for Logo or Text Intro easily.
- It has a video tutorial and list for all assets
- It is 29.97 fps with 1920×1080.
- High Quality Seamless Textures.
- Music Funny Positive by GreenRocketAudio
- Sound FX 10 Coin Magic Sounds by sonic-boom
- Sound FX Dropping Chains 8 by TronaAudio
- Sound FX Tin Money Box Shake 4 by StormwaveAudio
- Sound FX Falling by SFX-FX
- Sound FX Rolls Royce Starts Up and Idles by HollywoodEdge
- Sound FX Whoosh by WavBrulee
- Sound FX Load Lighting Bolt Magic Spell by Wakerone
- Sound FX Squeeze and Stretch Balloons Pack by floraphonic
- Sound FX Keyboard Typing 6 by FelisSilvestrisLybica
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 33, 33, 33
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: Element 3D v2