Steller Multipurpose Landing Page With Builder

in Web Templates / Landing page templates

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Steller is a multi-purpose landing page Html5 Template suitable for any business operating in the markeing industry!! ebook, eleraning, event, fincance, product, Shop, starup or any other marketing business thtt need landing pages. Based on Boostrap & designed with great attention to details, flexibility and performance. It is ultra professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout.

Steller Landing Page Template is the right fit for:

+ E-book Landing
+ E-learning Landing
+ Finance Landing
+ Event Landing
+ Photography Landing
+ Portfolio Landing
+ Service Landing
+ Software Landing
+ Product Landing
+ Startup Landing
+ App Landing
+ Construction Landing
+ Lead Generation Landing


+ Creative and unique and mordern powerful HTML5/CSS3 template
+ 12 Landing Page
+ 70+ Reusable unique elements with different style
+ Bootstrap 3 fully responsive layout and retina ready.
+ Valid W3C HTML5 and CSS3 Markup
+ Google Maps Integration
+ Ajax Mailchimp Integration
+ Ajax Campaign Monitor Integration
+ Ajax contact (Requires PHP)
+ Easy to Customize Structure and Code
+ SEO Optimized Code
+ Cross Browser Compatible
+ Google Fonts
+ Retina Ready
+ Parallax Effect
+ Commented Code
+ Cross Browser Compatible
+ LESS Files Included
+ Page specific SEO content editor included with builder


+ Font Awesome –
+ Stroke Gap Icons –

(All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files)

_This item contains assets in the download files that are sourced from a third party and different license terms apply to those assets. These will be identified in the downloaded files with a copy of the other license which will apply to those assets._
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, LESS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1