Starlight Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

in Web Templates / Admin templates

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Starlight Admin Template is a newly updated admin template based from Bootstrap 4 with many features, plugins and custom elements that you can use for your back-end projects. This template is very useful for any type of application whether for desktop or mobile devices. This template includes one of the very useful interfaces like wizard form, validators, maps, tables, etc.

List of features

+ Bootstrap 4 Beta
+ Using SASS CSS Preprocessor
+ Bower Package Manager
+ Grunt JS
+ Valid HTML5/CSS
+ Fully Responsive Layout
+ Collapsible Menu
+ Integrated Charts (Lines, Bars, Pies, Real Time Chart)
+ Form Elements (Custom Forms, Validation, Wizard, WYSIWYG Editor)
+ 500+ UI Elements
+ 1000+ Icons
+ Form Wizards
+ JQuery
+ JQuery UI
+ JQuery Steps for Wizard
+ Datatables
+ Flot Chart
+ Chart JS Chart
+ Morris Chart
+ Rickshaw Chart
+ Sparkline Chart
+ Google Maps
+ Jquery Vector Maps
+ Medium Editor
+ Parsley JS Validator
+ Select2
+ Spectrum colorpicker
+ Spinkit
+ Summernote WYSIWYG Editor
+ FontAwesome Icons
+ Ionicons
+ Google Fonts
retinaReady: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://