Smart Pattern Globe - World Map Generator

in Other / Elements

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Create pattern world globe using this After Effects Template. Supports 3 basic patterns - Grid, Line, Dot with customization settings.

- No plugins required.
- 3 different Patterns: Grid, Line and Dot.
- Adjustable Pattern Spacing, Thickness, Color, Angle and Border.
- 4 different render sizes - 250p, 500p, 1000p, 2000p \
(The smaller versions render faster. Bigger versions give size/scale benefits)
- Editable layers. Possible to show hide and change opacity of backside of globe. Background color (ocean) can be replaced with any layer.
- Patterned 2D Map also available within the compositions.
- Uses the default CC Sphere effect. So possible to rotate globe in all 3 axis and change radius.
- Supports After Effects CS5 and above

The music used in the preview is not included.
videoResolution: 2000, 2K, 2000
videoLength: 10
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required