Sine Wave Backgrounds

in Graphics / Backgrounds

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Sine Wave Backgrounds

Finding useful and creative background art can be a real challenge. Many of the images are either too complex or too simple to be of any actual use to you. This is a collection of creative looking background images that are designed to be easily placed and layered in with your work. The collection of images are ultra high resolution and thus can be resized and manipulated to fit with just about any project you have.

Technical Specs
- 10 Background Images
- High Quality JPG Files
- Abstract, Colorful Colors
- 4.5K (Width) Resolutions
- Width/Height - 4582 x 3055 (Pixels)
- 3:2 Aspect Ratio
- 300 PPI
- RGB Colors
- Useful for Any Surface (Print/Screen)
- Ready to Use

Loved this pack? Looking for more? Check out our other similar background packs for your projects, thank you for choosing this and being awesome!
graphicsFileTypes: JPG
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Sketch, Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Adobe Photoshop
dimensions: 4582, px, 3055
resolution: 300, 15.2, 10.1