Simp Modal Window - WordPress Plugin

in Other / Plugins

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SIMP Modal Window is feature rich popup Plugin for WordPress, you can create unlimited popups with full control over layout, design, display and contents, it’s all up to you where, how, when you want to show a popup to visitors of your website or blog.

Before giving any negative ratings please read help file included in package or contact me using contact form in item support tab, i will do my best to resolve your issue, Thanks!

Main Features

+ Create Unlimited Modal Windows (Popups)
+ Unlimited Layout Design Options
+ Control Where to Display Popup
+ Delayed Timer Display Modal
+ Auto Close Timer Settings
+ Visitor’s Cookie Settings
+ Auto Updates Notifications
+ Multilingual, Ready for Translate into Your Language
+ Each popup has it’s own settings

Design Settings

+ Select Modal Height, Width, Padding, Border Radius, Background Color use colorpicker.
+ Modal Border Thickness, Border Style, Border Color use colorpicker.
+ Background Overlay, Background Overlay Color use colorpicker, Background Overlay Opacity.
+ Select Modal Box Shadow, Box Shadow Color use colorpicker, Box Shadow Opacity.
+ Choose Modal Close Icon from 6 Icons, Close Icon Position.
+ Add Modal Contents CSS Styles for Each Popup.

Display Settings

+ Enable or Disable Modal
+ Display On Click on specific CSS selector
+ Display On Page Load
+ Trigger popup via URL hash parameter
+ Display After Time Duration
+ Display on All Pages, All Posts, All Pages and Posts, On Archive Pages, On Search Pages, on Specific
+ page/post IDs, Hide on Specific page/post IDs, Display Only on Selected Page.
+ Auto Close Feature, Close Popup after Time Duration, Count Down Timer, Count Down Timer Text Color,
+ Count Down Timer Position.

Cookie Settings

+ Enable / Disable Cookie for Each Modal
+ Display Once, will set a ten years cookie
+ Display Once Again After Every 6 Hours
+ Display Once Again After Every 12 Hours
+ Display Once Again After Every 24 Hours
+ Display Once Again After Every 2 Days
+ Display Once Again After Every 3 Days
+ Display Once Again After Every Week (7 days)
+ Display Once Again After Every 2 Weeks
+ Display Once Again After Every Month (30 days)
+ You can Set Cookie Expiration Date Manually using datepicker

Modal Animation Settings

+ Select a Transition Type, Fade And Pop, Fade, None
+ Select Animation Speed, 100MS to 1000MS
+ Enable / Disable Close on Overlay Click
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, JS, HTML
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.8