Renewable Energy Management Mobile App UI Kit

in Graphic templates / UX and UI kits

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Welcome to Renewable Energy Management Mobile App UI Kit

Introducing our groundbreaking Renewable Energy Management Mobile App Design! Harnessing the power of innovation, our app provides a seamless platform for users to monitor and optimize their renewable energy consumption. With an intuitive interface, real-time analytics, and personalized insights, users can effortlessly track energy production, consumption patterns, and environmental impact. The app empowers individuals to make informed decisions, promoting sustainability through features like goal-setting and energy efficiency tips. Elevate your eco-conscious journey with our user-centric design, redefining the future of renewable energy management.

- 3 Mobile Screen
- Easy to Customize
- Compatibility with Figma
- Well Organized Layer
- Open Source Font (Google Fonts)

- Please download and install fonts before opening the file.
- Images in the main file are replaced by placeholders, all images used for demo purpose only.
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: FIG
isLayered: 1
dpi: 72
colorSpace: RGB
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Figma