RealHome - Versatile Real Estate PSD Template

in Graphic templates / Websites

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RealHome – Vesatile Real Estate PSD Template is a visually stunning PSD Template with deeply researching about property, agent and other fields on Real Estate Business. You get everything you need to build an exclusive real estate website with 29 easily edited PSD files. This versatile template gives you an opportunity to create modern and flexible properties list.
RealHome offers informative homes, Property, Agent, Half-Map, Blog, Services pages. Stunningly, Half-map page is crafted to show users the easiest way to access to the property and gather all information they need.

RealHome Template Highlight Features

- Versatile and visual design.
- 29 fully layered and editable photoshop files.
- 3+ Home page versions.
- 3+ Property Page layouts.
- 7+ Single Agent layouts.
- 3+ Agent pages.
- 2+ Single agent Pages.
- 3+ Blog layouts.
- 2+ Half-Map Pages.
- 1170 Grid based design.
- Easily customizable photoshop files.
- Pixel perfect.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Font Awesome Icons.
- And much more…

PSD Files Included

- 01-Homepage-V01.psd
- 02-Homepage-V02.psd
- 03-Homepage-V03.psd
- 04-Show-all-property.psd
- 05-Grid-view-property.psd
- 06-List-view-property.psd
- 07-Grid-view-Agents.psd
- 08-List-view-Agent.psd
- 09-Grid-view-Agent.psd
- 10-Single-property-detail-Tab-V1.psd
- 11-Single-property-Feature-Tab-V1.psd
- 12-Single-property-Floor-Plans-Tab-V1.psd
- 13-Single-property-Videos-Tab-V1.psd
- 14-Single-property-Location-Tab-V1.psd
- 15-Single-property-Reviews-Tab-V1.psd
- 16-Single-property-Full-width-V2.psd
- 17-Single-Agent-V1.psd
- 18-Half-Map.psd
- 19-Half-Map-Detail.psd
- 20-Single-property-V3.psd
- 21-Single-agent-V2.psd
- 22-Simple-blog-List.psd
- 23-Simple-blog-Grid.psd
- 24-Single-blog.psd
- 25-About-us.psd
- 26-Contact.psd
- 27-Page-404.psd
- 28-Coming-soon.psd
- 29-Service.psd


In this template, we use font from Google Font:

- Lato
- PT Serif


- Flaticon
- Ionicons
- Elegant Icon Font

Images Credits

All images we used in this template come from 2 sources.

- Pixapay
- Unsplash
- Google Images

– All these images will NOT be included in purchased package, just for demo purpose
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
hasDocumentation: 1
isLayered: 1
dpi: 72
colorSpace: RGB
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dimensions: Px, 1920, 10000