Poora - Fundraising & Charity Template

in Web Templates / Landing page templates

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Poora is a HTML5 Charity & Nonprofit Template designed specifically for , campaigns/projects/causes, donation system, non-profit events, fund raising, crowdfunding campaigns for cause or charity group/organization, call for volunteers, vision and mission page, and many more. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices.

This template comes with 3 unique Demo and included 20+ valid HTML files. All standalone pages such as About, Event, Projects, Causes, Blog , Testimonials, FAQ, 404 or others essentials pages are included. Well commented code, well-documented file structure and 24/7 professional and ultra-fast Support.

Poora – Core Features

+ 3 Home Page Layout
+ 20+ valid HTML files
+ Built With Bootstrap 4x
+ Fully Responsive
+ Working Ajax Dynamic Contact Form
+ Unique, Clean and Modern Design
+ W3c validator
+ Pixel Perfect Design
+ Cross Browser Optimization
+ Parallax Background
+ Custom Animation Effect
+ SEO Friendly Code
+ Smooth Scroll
+ Stickey Menu
+ Google Fonts Support
+ Built With HTML5 and CSS3
+ Free Font Icons
+ Easy Setup
+ CSS3 Animation
+ Includes Sofol Font Awesome Library
+ Excellent Customer Support – We care about your site as much as you do and will help in any way we can!
+ And much more…
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://validthemes.online/themeforest/poora/