Polka dot Wedding Invitations

in Graphic templates / Print templates

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Polka dot Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations customized to match your wedding's style!
Invitations perfect for a Elegant look.

+ Print Ready, File +0.125” bleeds with bleed.
+ 300 DPI, CMYK
+ Fully Editable
+ 100% Resizable,
+ 100% Text is editable,
+ Only free font used,

[ZIP Includes 3 item]
+ 1. Polka Dot Wedding Invitation Card 5x7 inch
+ 2. Polka Dot RSVP Card 6x4 inch
+ 3. Polka Dot Detail Card 5x7 inch

[Font use]
+ Links to download fonts and Support Contact Information.

I’m glad to help.
Thank you ;)
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
hasDocumentation: 1
isLayered: 1
dpi: 300
colorSpace: CMYK
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dimensions: In, 5, 7