Plexus Data Stream

in Other / Logo Stings

243 5 0
The project contains three versions of plug-ins requirement:
1. Requires only the Trapcode Form plug-in.
2. Requires two plug-ins: Trapcode Form and Optical Flares.
3. Requires three plug-ins: Trapcode Form and Optical Flares and Plexus. \
Audio consists of 7 different effects (7 wav files). \
Sound effects included in the project. \
_Quick and flexible settings:_
- enable/disable Glitch Effects and Camera Shake.
- switch the type of particles at a binary code or Symbols and Numbers.
- change the size and number of particles.
- change color.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 18
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: Trapcode Form