Plato - Restaurant & Food One Page HTML5 Template

in Web Templates / Landing page templates

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Plato is an elegant, luxury and trendy Restaurant & Food One Page HTML5 template. It is a very simple, clean, and minimalist template. It is perfectly suited for the website of restaurants, food, cafe or pizza. The template looks great and it will appeal to fans of minimalist style. Template content is based on Bootstrap System.

+ Responsive and Retina Ready
+ Bootstrap 3.x
+ Minimalistic and Simple
+ Smooth css3 animations
+ FontAwesome Icons
+ Working Contact Form
+ Working Reservation Form
+ Google maps
+ Easy Customizable
+ Seo Ready
+ Well documented
+ Optimized code in high level
+ Less files (included)
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, LESS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://