Pixel Art Action

in Graphics / Add-ons

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Photoshop Power UP!! Add a bit of 80's and 90's retro goodness to your images in a matter of seconds with this super slick action. Jump back in time and give your photographs or illustrations that Nintendo / C64 / Spectrum / Old-school arcade game look.

Versatile The action pumps out 24 different results, giving you plenty of options to choose from; from subtle 64-bit-esque detailed results to super stylized 8-bit sprite looks, there's a pixel for everyone! Also included are adjustment layers and gradient masks included in the clean and organized PSD file that allow you to refine those radical pixels!

High Resolution The included PSD used to create the action results is 2000px x 3000px at 300dpi. If that's not big enough, the included bonus enlarger action should be able to help out! Read below :)

Bonus I've also included a Bonus Action for Free that allows you to scale your pixel art up, in as close to vector precision as Photoshop can handle; minimal distortion and minimal anti-aliasing...power to your pixels!!

Go back to the future baby and turn your images and friends into radical pixel art!

Key Features
* Simple to use
* Super quick
* 24 Results
* Suitable for use on photographs or illustrations
* Quick guide Read me file included
* Down-right rad fun dooods
* Bonus Enlarger action included
hasDocumentation: 1
addOnsFileTypes: ATN
addOnsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop