Personal Portfolio Resume React Template - Nairobi

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Personal Portfolio / Resume / CV React Template – Nairobi

Looking to showcase your skills and experience in the vibrant city of Nairobi? Look no further than Nairobi, a modern and responsive React template designed specifically for crafting an impressive personal portfolio or CV website.

Key Features:
+ React Powered: Leverage the power and flexibility of React to build a dynamic and interactive online portfolio that stands out.
+ Modern and Customizable Design: Nairobi boasts a clean and minimalist aesthetic that can be easily customized to match your personal brand and style.
+ Responsive Design: Ensure your portfolio website looks great and functions flawlessly on all devices, from desktops to tablets to smartphones, crucial for a Nairobi-based audience.

+ Stand Out from the Crowd: Create a unique and professional online portfolio that sets you apart from the competition in Nairobi’s competitive job market.
+ Showcase Your Skills Effectively: Present your skills and experience in a clear, concise, and visually engaging way.
+ Land Your Dream Job: Increase your chances of catching the eye of potential employers with a compelling online presence.
+ Easy to Maintain and Update: The React framework allows for easy updates and modifications to your portfolio as your career progresses.

+ Dark and Light theme available
+ Clean and eye-catchy UI
+ Built Based on Bootstrap V 5.2.3
+ Google Web Font
+ Well Commented Code
+ Cross Browser Support
+ Modern & Attractive Design
+ Full W3C Validated Coding
+ Well Documentation
+ Mobile Friendly
+ Ultimate Customizability
+ All Modern Browser Compatible

Files included:
+ Nairobi – Personal Portfolio
+ Documentation

Free Font Used:
+ Fascinate
+ Jost

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retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://