Pencilo - Pencil Sketch Art Photoshop Action

in Add-ons / Actions and presets

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Pencilo is a professional photoshop action that converts your photo to a pencil sketch effect, it’s easy to use just in few clicks.

_Pencilo Effect Contains:_

+ 03 Background Textures
+ 03 Additional Elements Textures
+ Editable Black & White Options
+ 100% Editable Layers/Folders
+ Unlimited Results

_Rules Before Use Pencilo_

+ Make Sure Your Color Mode’s RGB
+ Make Sure Your Channel Mode’s 8bits/Channel
+ Make Sure Your Minimum Image Width Size’s 2000px
+ Make Sure Your Minimum Photoshop Version’s CS4
+ Make Sure Your Minimum Photoshop Language’s English

_How to use Pencilo_

+ Open Your Photo In Photoshop
+ Create New Empty Layer & Name It brush
+ Choose Brush Tool & Brush Your Main Object or Area
+ Choose Play Pencilo Action & Paly It
addOnsFileTypes: ABR, ATN, PAT
addOnsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop