Paper Popup Book Promo

in Other / Openers

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Promote yourself with the brand new Paper Popup Book Promo.
Tell your story in a fresh, unique way, for your business, product or app.
The AE Template comes with prerendered animated scenes, so render times will be fast!

- Easy Customization
- Fast Render Times, cause the Popup Book is Pre-Rendered!
- Prerendered, Animated Popup Book
- 20 Placeholders for Your Text
- 2 Placeholders for Your Logo
- 8 Placeholders for Your Image/Videos
- Color Pickers for Color Changes
- Uses Universal Expressions (works for all language versions of After Effects)
- Includes 2 Render Comps – 1280×720, 720×405
- Music not included
videoResolution: 1280, 720p (HD), 720
videoLength: 100
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required