Oona — Material Design Studio Template

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Oona is a beautiful and super-clean Material Design template for all kinds of studios and businesses who want to showcase their work in a unique way.

- Powered by MaterializeCSS framework based on Google Material Design guides
- Super-fast AJAX navigation with beautiful background transitions
- Carefully crafted responsiveness, some elements literally exist only for mobile or desktop (also tested on real iOS and Android devices)
- Last generation technologies used, such as Sass, Bourbon, Jade, Gulp, PostCSS, etc.
- 100% valid code
- Beautiful typography featuring monospace Roboto Mono font
- Reliable PHPMailer form
- A space shooter game to entertain your visitors in case of a 404 error
- A huge amount of useful elements, such as tool tips, galleries, video and audio embeds, tabs, accordions and collapsible items
- Friendly support that will always help you with any issues
- A very detailed documentation

_Note: images are not included and are used for demo only._
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://oona.pimmey.com/