One Click - WordPress Speed Optimization

in WordPress themes and plugins / WordPress plugins

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Start optimization your website without the need for setup and code information. You can run this plugin with one click.

New Features! (2.0.0):
+ Speed Optimization for WP Admin Panel
+ CPU Friendly Core
+ Advanced Settings Feature

All Features:

+ GZip Compression
+ HTML Compression
+ HTML, CSS and JS Optimization
+ Image Optimization and Lazy Load Feature
+ JS Migrate Optimization
+ Query String Remover
+ Header Scripts move to Footer Feature
+ Auto ASYNC Optimization
+ Shortlink and WP Embed Remover
+ Comment Optimization
+ Emoji and Similes Remover
+ Lavarange Browser Caching
+ Optimizations for Google PageSpeed, GTMetrix and Pingdom

Plugin works with all the themes and plugins. You just need to activate the plugin and that it. This plugin is quite fast and will not strain your site.

All these settings can be done with one click!
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, HTML, JS, PHP
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.1