Noanet Digital Network and Internet Provider HTML

in Web Templates / Landing page templates

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Noanet | Internet Provider and Digital Network HTML Template

Noanet | Internet Provider and Digital Network HTML Template is awesome and clean Template one / multi pages template. Noanet is designed for Internet Provider and Digital Network Companies. Based on Bootstrap 12 column Responsive grid Template. Noanet for your Web Hosting Business, a creative agency, Technology Websites, or any company website!

Main Features

+ 22 HTML5 Valid Pages (CSS3)
+ Revolution Slider
+ Responsive Slider
+ 04 Index Pages
+ 02 Blog Pages
+ Pricing Table
+ Video Option
+ Feature – Toggle, Accordion, Tabs
+ Fully Responsive template
+ nice JQuery files: Responsive Slider, Preloader, Menu…
+ Google Web Fonts
+ Compatible With Major Modern Browsers
+ Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of website.
+ Based on Twitter Bootstrap (1170px)
+ Contact Us, FAQ, About, 404 Error pages
+ Strong focus on design and typography, usability and overall user-experience
+ Parallax Section
+ And more…
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://