Neptune - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template

in Web Templates / Admin templates

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The Neptune UI Framework is a premium Web Application Admin Dashboard built on top of Bootstrap 5 Framework. It was created to be the most functional, clean and well designed template for any types of backend applications. We have carefully designed all common elements.

The template is fully responsive and easily customizable. It’s built with HTML/CSS and is ready for integrating into any real web applications.

+ Bulit on Bootstrap 5
+ Bulit on Bootstrap 5
+ HTML5 & CSS3
+ jQuery Powered
+ Fully Responsive
+ File Manager
+ Email
+ Calendar
+ Settings
+ Authentication Pages
+ ApexCharts
+ Chartjs
+ BlockUI
+ Carousel
+ Countdown
+ Lightbox
+ Session Timeout
+ Tree View
+ Select2
+ Widgets
+ DataTables
+ Invoice
+ Error Page
+ Pricing
+ Left/Right Menu
+ Boxed Content
+ Off-Canvas/Standard Sidebar
+ Light/Dark/Colored Sidebar
+ Basic/Full Width Header
+ Transparent/Colorful/Large Header
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://