Native + Instapress

in Other / Script and Handwritten

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Native + Instapress

Native typeface comes in TTF format. It was inspired by the lettering that has been popularized by various lettering artists over the last 4-5 years. Originally a take on an Americana style of lettering, Native screams "Whiskey Label", but will look great on anything from a type based logo to Apparel Design.

Not only does this include Native TTF, it also includes a Photoshop Action called "Instapress". This is a personal action I've been using on my own designs for a while. It comes with a PSD file that let's you know how to size your artwork for the Action to work the way it works for me! It comes with 3 different actions: Instapress Thin, Instapress Medium, Instapress Thick. All made to work on different font weights. Feel free to try all 3 to see which one fits best with your artwork. It was made on CC & worked great on CS6 as well. Works with Vector artwork & Transparent PNG.
spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Large (Display / Poster)
serifSansSerif: Serif