Mystica - Psychedelic Photo Overlays

in Graphics / Textures

174 3 0
20 Psychedelic Photo Overlays

Mystic is closer than you can think, it's around us, what we can see is only a small picture of everything that happens in the universe. Let your pictures expand in the visions and iridescent fractal shapes that will add new layers of perception.

Good fit for social network stories, Instagram posts, advertisement content, prints, posters, and more.

_Recommended using "Screen", "Lighten" or "Linear Dodge(Add)" blending modes applied to an overlay layer. Just have fun and experiment with it!_


- If you want to make an overlay brighter just duplicate the layer.
- Add different overlays with different blending modes to create a unique combination.

20 JPEG files(5000x3000, 300DPI)
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Affinity Designer
graphicsFileTypes: JPG
dimensions: Px, 5000, 3000
resolution: 300, 16.6, 10