Music Event Big Poster Design Set

in Graphic templates / Print templates

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This designs're perfectly Suitable for Music Events but not only. Impress your audience with new wave of design! You can just edit the texts or move all objects the way you like and make it looks different -> have fun with this work!

+ 4 Sizes Included
+ Photos are free for commercial use (including modifications) - links are in PDF Help File

Sizes Included
+ A2 Size -> 420 x 594 mm [426 x 600 mm with bleeds]
+ US Medium -> 18 x 24 in [18.250 x 24.250 with bleeds]
+ US Tabloid with bleed area and safety zone (11 x 17 in [11.250 x 17.250 in with bleeds])
+ A3 with bleed area and safety zone (297 x 420 mm [303 x 426 mm with bleeds])

+ Each Poster in 4 Sizes (12PSD files)
+ Highly Organized Layers (Labeled & grouped)
+ Easy to customize
+ 300 DPI High Resolution
+ CMYK Color Mode
+ Print Ready Format
+ Help PDF file

Free font used - link is in Help PDF file

Thank you for your Time and Download.
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
hasDocumentation: 1
isLayered: 1
dpi: 300
colorSpace: CMYK
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dimensions: In, 18, 24