Multipurpose Directory Listing HTML Theme | Local

in Web Templates / Site templates

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LOCAL is a complete Directory portal template for any idea. Many helpful examples for page examples are available, and additional is planned based on suggestions or needs.

LOCAL is based on Bootstrap 3, so if you like Bootstrap and ready to switch to latest modern version this is perfect template for you.

In just few clicks you will have completely custom page with our nice Style Customizer.

Available examples

+ Real Estate Property Listing
+ Yacht Boat Market
+ Car Dealer
+ Job Finder
+ Business Directory
+ Classifieds Portal
+ Basic Shop
+ Admin Panel

Outstanding features

+ Multi-language and RTL supported
+ Style customizer, Unlimited Colours
+ Ready to use classified homepage examples
+ Many useful pages examples
+ Ultra wide ready version
+ Mobile friendly

Features list

+ List item
+ Based on Bootstrap 3
+ 50+ different page examples
+ Unlimited colour variants
+ Different backgrounds
+ Wide and Boxed versions
+ Stylesheets build with LESS
+ Responsive Mobile Friendly
+ Ultra wide display friendly
+ Different results listing boxes
+ Image sliders
+ Multilanguage and RTL
+ Custom Google map
+ And much more…

NOTICE: Images are not included
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS, LESS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1