Multi Screen Minimal Promo

in Other / Video Displays

212 7 0
This is Multipurpose Minimal, Stylish, Modern promo with Multi Image on screen. Create valentines day greetings or wedding day greetings with multiple images of your love. Useful for to create Openers, Promos, Intro Videos for web, corporate companies, photographers with their portfolios using this multi image, mosaic, multi screen layout. Useful to create invitations, promos or opener videos for the online meetings conducted using video conference apps like, Zoom, Skype, Meet and Hangout etc., Can be used to send the invitations for the Online Group Video Meeting, Online Conference or any other online events in your corporate, business or school, college.

Main Features :
- AE CS6 and above.
- Full HD 1920×1080.
- No Third Party plugins used.
- Modular Structure.
- Project has 7 scenes and each scene can be used as an individual Multi Image Opener also.
- No Pre-renders.
- Project is well arranged with markers and comments.
- Simple to use.
- Easy to modify and customize.
- Easy PDF Help file with reference images and font details included.
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 37
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required